Friday, November 16, 2012

Job (?)

Hello, well this class I write about my future, in special about a future job.

When I start the career, in the first class I remember that a teacher answer to us: Why you study sociology? And the most of the people say in simple words “I like to change the world”, so I remember that I don’t say this. I like the sociology because is important to see the society, change the world is later.

Always I like the mathematics and the numbers in general, so in the university I like the sadistic and quantitative technique. So when I think in a job, I think in institution like INE (National Institute of Static) or a foundation. I like the way that the numbers simplify our lives, and I like see big groups of people, but when you study with a qualitative technique, you can’t do it.

To fund a job, I think that the most important is that the job likes you. If the job dislikes, the worker don’t job fine. So I like the job in the areas that like me, but now I don’t define these areas because I don’t know.   A good environment and the worry about the situations that happen are important too.  

A once, I stay in this situation and say that I am very responsible when I propose do it.  In my weaknesses, I can say that is my temperament because like I am very responsible if something worse, I get angry with the situation.   

I think that now, is important worry about the future job and the way like turn the career to the service the country (and not service to the neoliberal system). The most important is that sociology will be a convergence point. 

Have a nice day!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Ecco friendly

Hello everybody!

Today talk about the ecology it is so important to respect the environment.

People learn about the environmentally friendly practices in everywhere, can be in the schools or in the municipalities. Is important that people help to the world, because the persons neglected for a long time the world, so now we have to save our planet.

In my house in Los Andes with my family we recycle the paper, cardboard, plastic and organic waste.  Also when a light is on, turn it off. Or when the battery charges my phone I didn’t leave for a long time.

When I can, I like ride on bike because is important reduce our carbon footprint. While there is less traffic and people can have less stress.

In this moment, I didn’t participate in a organization, but at some point I would like to participate in some of them, because I think the organization will help our planet.

I would like to replicate that I do in my house in Los Andes, recycle.

I believe that in Santiago the work is midway, but prefer that efforts be concentrated in places where there is no education about our environment, starting by children. Although you can do is not much, it is good to do something for our planet earth.

I hope that you can help the world, whether in an organization or not.


Friday, October 19, 2012

Schumpeterian company!

Hello everybody!

Like other posts I don't know what I could write.

So, now I write about my new company, yes my little company.
Joseph Schumpeter ekonomialaria.jpg* I named this post like "Schumpeterian Company", in honor of Joseph Alois Schumpeter, an liberian economist that stand out the importance of the businessman (or businesswoman in that case).

I think that I am a very good salesclerk and at the same time a good peddler. In the school I sell all, like candies, cookies, food in general. I cook this food and then, I sell it. After the last year I work in a gift shop, and I like it, because I like assist the people to give a pretty present.

So now, in the university I can’t work in the gift shop because I don’t have a sufficient time to do the two things well, but at the same time I like making money to buy anything.

To make this situation favorable, with a friend buy clothes (season spring-summer) in Patronato and we sell this clothes in the university (some times we put in the “pastos” or garden of the campus). Until now, the sales go fine, and we can win a little of money to go out Santiago or buy anything. I hope that this will work well in the future.

I think that in some case this sounds like “capitalist mind”, but I don’t care, because I like sell and have my own money.

So, this is a little step for the man (or women in this case), but a big step for to the economic independence!

I hope have a nice day!

Pd: If you like view and try the clothes, I hope that contact me.

Friday, October 5, 2012



I want to write about my favourite hobby which is ride on bike.

I like so much this hobby because I like go to slow and I like the weather and the landscape.

Ride on bike is important to me because in my city I use this like a transport. Los Andes have lot cars and few roads, so the congestions are a problem to move. The only trouble in my city there is not cycle path in the town so, I use the streets. Now I have my bike in Santiago, so the bicycle will help me to save money and spend little money in the Transantiago.

I usually ride on bike in a remote place of the town of the city, because there is less cars than in the town and I like the countryside.

I have been doing this almost every weekend for two years, but I learned when I was a child.  

I like the “cicletadas”, because close the streets to the cars and open the roads to the bikes. So you can move with freedom and it is more save.

I thing that the authorities should promote the save (for example using the helmet) and massive (bikes are more cheap than the cars, and in a lot cities the people can rent one) use the bicycle because they help to reduce the congestion and pollution. But this is not possible if the cities don’t have a cycle path.      

I hope that you can use the bike because there is eco-friendly!


Friday, September 28, 2012


Hello Everybody!

My holidays are very common, family and a place where I can rest. I don`t know if I have a favorite holidays because I think that all the holidays have something special. If the landscape is not the most beautiful, the people makes that the holidays are well.

So, thinking and thinking, I concluded that I talk to about the my holiday in Pelluhue in the summer of 2012, because is the last.

In February of 2012 I go to Pelluhue with my sister and my parents. We stayed in a cottage near to the beach. The cottage is so near to the beach that in march 2010 the tsunami destroyed the houses and everything!

I like this vacations because I like the beach, the sea and the weather. I had the opportunity to take my bike, and go to the small center of this city in different moments.

In this holidays I could visit every nearby village, like Cobquecura, Curanipe, Buchupureo, Chanco or Villa Alegre.

I remember this holidays because had a bit of tragedy and comedy, a day when we stay in Buchupureo my sister poison and my parents were with her to the hospital, or the "posta", the problem was that they don´t have a doctor, they have just a nurse and she could not prescribe any medicament. My sisters got worse because she change the color of his face to a red, like a tomato, and my parents go to the hospital in Cobquecura, that trip took half hour, and my mother went into the desperation. Luckily for the family my sister improved.

I think that this situation gave a different perspective to the vacations.

I hope you have a nice day!

Friday, September 14, 2012

A place

Hello Everybody:

Now I talk to you a place to like me visit.  I like Chile and I don’t visit all north or all south. So when I will have money I like visit place in Chile

If I thing in place out Chile, I thing in Oceania, because it is so far to here. I like the beach, but in Chile the water is not crystalline and is so cold. I imagine that the ocean in Oceania is better.

If I thing in a country I diced talk about Palau or something place were habit few people to rest all day.

Palau is a country in the Filipinas Sea, in 1994 Palau became independent of the United Estates, so it is a young country and small in a number of people.  Palau consists of a set of about 300 islands of volcanic origin. 

I like Palau because, the islands have a tropical climate, sea are very crystalline and the beach are very beautiful.

I like just visit this place, to rest and sleeeeeeep!
I hope you have a nice day!.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Another semester

Hello everybody!

The first semester was a very normal term. All we can say that in a semester have a positive and negative situations, but I don’t have any extreme situation.

So January, start in the university, a lot text to read and a lot heat that we endure, but the in February the vacations coming and relax too. In this moment I travel with my family to the south of Chile and with my friends to the beach and Santiago.

March was an important month for me because it was my birthday and I was can celebrate with the family and the friends.  So in this month I start the second grade in the university and I enjoyed the courses.

The others months was very monotonous, so in few words: study, sleep, to be up all night and road in bike with my sister in my city.

The only bad of this semester was that I had a fall and had to wear a sling in my right arm.

In conclusion this semester was a normal semester with ups and downs, but the most important thing was that I found very good friends and when I could I stay with my family.   

I hope you have a nice day!