Friday, November 16, 2012

Job (?)

Hello, well this class I write about my future, in special about a future job.

When I start the career, in the first class I remember that a teacher answer to us: Why you study sociology? And the most of the people say in simple words “I like to change the world”, so I remember that I don’t say this. I like the sociology because is important to see the society, change the world is later.

Always I like the mathematics and the numbers in general, so in the university I like the sadistic and quantitative technique. So when I think in a job, I think in institution like INE (National Institute of Static) or a foundation. I like the way that the numbers simplify our lives, and I like see big groups of people, but when you study with a qualitative technique, you can’t do it.

To fund a job, I think that the most important is that the job likes you. If the job dislikes, the worker don’t job fine. So I like the job in the areas that like me, but now I don’t define these areas because I don’t know.   A good environment and the worry about the situations that happen are important too.  

A once, I stay in this situation and say that I am very responsible when I propose do it.  In my weaknesses, I can say that is my temperament because like I am very responsible if something worse, I get angry with the situation.   

I think that now, is important worry about the future job and the way like turn the career to the service the country (and not service to the neoliberal system). The most important is that sociology will be a convergence point. 

Have a nice day!

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