Friday, September 28, 2012


Hello Everybody!

My holidays are very common, family and a place where I can rest. I don`t know if I have a favorite holidays because I think that all the holidays have something special. If the landscape is not the most beautiful, the people makes that the holidays are well.

So, thinking and thinking, I concluded that I talk to about the my holiday in Pelluhue in the summer of 2012, because is the last.

In February of 2012 I go to Pelluhue with my sister and my parents. We stayed in a cottage near to the beach. The cottage is so near to the beach that in march 2010 the tsunami destroyed the houses and everything!

I like this vacations because I like the beach, the sea and the weather. I had the opportunity to take my bike, and go to the small center of this city in different moments.

In this holidays I could visit every nearby village, like Cobquecura, Curanipe, Buchupureo, Chanco or Villa Alegre.

I remember this holidays because had a bit of tragedy and comedy, a day when we stay in Buchupureo my sister poison and my parents were with her to the hospital, or the "posta", the problem was that they don´t have a doctor, they have just a nurse and she could not prescribe any medicament. My sisters got worse because she change the color of his face to a red, like a tomato, and my parents go to the hospital in Cobquecura, that trip took half hour, and my mother went into the desperation. Luckily for the family my sister improved.

I think that this situation gave a different perspective to the vacations.

I hope you have a nice day!

Friday, September 14, 2012

A place

Hello Everybody:

Now I talk to you a place to like me visit.  I like Chile and I don’t visit all north or all south. So when I will have money I like visit place in Chile

If I thing in place out Chile, I thing in Oceania, because it is so far to here. I like the beach, but in Chile the water is not crystalline and is so cold. I imagine that the ocean in Oceania is better.

If I thing in a country I diced talk about Palau or something place were habit few people to rest all day.

Palau is a country in the Filipinas Sea, in 1994 Palau became independent of the United Estates, so it is a young country and small in a number of people.  Palau consists of a set of about 300 islands of volcanic origin. 

I like Palau because, the islands have a tropical climate, sea are very crystalline and the beach are very beautiful.

I like just visit this place, to rest and sleeeeeeep!
I hope you have a nice day!.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Another semester

Hello everybody!

The first semester was a very normal term. All we can say that in a semester have a positive and negative situations, but I don’t have any extreme situation.

So January, start in the university, a lot text to read and a lot heat that we endure, but the in February the vacations coming and relax too. In this moment I travel with my family to the south of Chile and with my friends to the beach and Santiago.

March was an important month for me because it was my birthday and I was can celebrate with the family and the friends.  So in this month I start the second grade in the university and I enjoyed the courses.

The others months was very monotonous, so in few words: study, sleep, to be up all night and road in bike with my sister in my city.

The only bad of this semester was that I had a fall and had to wear a sling in my right arm.

In conclusion this semester was a normal semester with ups and downs, but the most important thing was that I found very good friends and when I could I stay with my family.   

I hope you have a nice day!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The first post!

Hello evereybody!

This is my first post in this blog and I dont know if this would survive.
So my name is Rocío Albornoz, I have 19 years old and I study Sociology in the Universidad de Chile. I'm in second grade
I live in Los Andes, but in the week I live in Ñuñoa.
I like going to the cinema or watch movies in TV.
My hobbie are ride on bike, so when I have time i'm going to pedal through small roads in my city.
My favorite artists are Amy Winehouse, Adele, Keane, Los Auténticos Decadentes and others. 

I hope you have a nice day.
Bye :)
